
Welcome to Creek Treats, your source for cheeky whitewater kayaking apparel!

Creek Treats was founded in Summer of 2021 by Lynn Barlow. Lynn is an avid kayaker, dedicated dirtbag, and burgeoning entrepreneur. She started Creek Treats because she noticed that most kayaking apparel available through online retailers doesn’t resonate with actual whitewater kayakers…think ClipArt of people in Sun Dolphins with “Live Laugh Love” type captions. Unlike those products, the stickers and kayaking apparel sold by Creek Treats are designed for and by real whitewater kayakers.

creek treats
Creek Treats founder Lynn Barlow

We all know our sport is unique (and pretty incomprehensible to non-kayakers). Creek Treats sells stickers and apparel designed to celebrate the things that make whitewater kayaking special, while also advocating for equality in the sport. Our #boofthhepatriarchy stickers promote gender equality, while our line of I Heart Big Boofs stickers and apparel celebrate the glorious feeling of laying a treat on a boof. Every kayaker knows the feeling of a really great boof, which is why Creek Treats is special– we’re kayakers first, and entrepreneurs second.